70.235 BF1914 – Dusky Thorn – Geometridae – Ennomos fuscantaria


Dusky ThornGeometridae – Ennominae – Ennomos fuscantaria – colour code

STATUS – A red data species since 2002. Locally common and widely distributed throughout Derbyshire. The largest densities are found in the south and east of the county.
ID POINTERS – The main feature is the dark mauve-grey or grey-brown shaded panel that runs from the forewing tip inwards towards the trailing forewing edge.  Two dark brown bowed cross-lines arc gently from the trailing edge towards the wing tip. Holds wings upright and angled at rest. Bright white antennae.
 FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing August – October
IMAGES – Kings Newton & Melbourne, Derbyshire – Images by Tony Davison© 
 Dusky Thorn
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