70.254 BF1933 – Scarce Umber – Geometridae – Agriopis aurantiaria


Scarce Umber Geometridae – Ennominae – Agriopis aurantiaria – colour code

 STATUS – A resident that is widely distributed and locally common in Derbyshire. Favours woodland throughout the county, especially the old oak woodlands in the south.
 ID POINTERS – Another triangular shaped geometrid that rests with wings open and flat. The ground colour is a bright orange with at least three dark brown cross-lines running through the forewing. The hind-wing is a plain straw colour. There are usually a number of obscure dark dots running along the trailing edge of the forewing. The female is wingless.
 FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing October – December
IMAGES – Foremark Reservoir and Melbourne, Derbyshire – Images by Tony Davison© 
 Scarce Umber
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