73.189 BF2263 – Red-line Quaker – Noctuidae – Agrochola lota


Red-line Quaker Noctuidae – Xyleninae – Agrochola lota – colour code

STATUS A resident that is widely distributed and locally fairly common in Derbyshire. Found at scattered sites in all areas of the county and generally common in the Trent Valley, Derwent Valley and central coal measures.

ID POINTERS – Quite distinctive. A broad greyish forewing and slightly larger size help to distinguish from similar Yellow-line Quaker. The outer cross-line is a reddish brown (hence name) edged in a pale yellow and is slightly kinked towards the wing tip. The kidney mark is half black towards the inner edge and along with oval mark, outlined in a pale reddish colour.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing September – November.

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

Red-line Quaker.


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