73.221 BF2268 – The Suspected – Noctuidae – Parastichtis suspecta


The Suspected  Noctuidae – Xyleninae  – Parastichtis suspecta – colour code

STATUS A resident that is uncommon and locally distributed in Derbyshire. Rare and very few records from the south of the county. Generally uncommon across Derbyshire except at a few woodland sites and plantations in the north.

ID POINTERS – Narrow-winged at the base but broader towards the slightly pointed wing tip. The ground colour is usually a plain greyish-brown, reddish-brown or purplish-brown. A wavy cross band towards the outer edge that is flecked with tiny black spots. Two wavy central pale cross-lines. Oval and kidney marks are outlined in a pale yellow or white.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing July – August.

IMAGES – Drakelow, Derbyshire 

The Suspected


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