73.134 BF2375 – Large Wainscot – Noctuidae – Rhizedra lutosa


Large Wainscot Noctuidae – Xyleninae Rhizedra lutosa – colour code

STATUS A nationally vulnerable species and a resident that is uncommon and locally distributed in Derbyshire. A reed-bed species and found where its food plant, Common Reed occurs. Prefers drier areas of reed beds where periodic drying out or changes in water levels produce stunted growth. Most numerous in the Trent Valley and Coal Measure areas of the county.

ID POINTERS – A species that varies in size. The large forewing is pointed or slightly hooked and is a light greyish-straw or reddish-straw. It is heavily dusted and streaked with black. Sometimes a hint of a cross-line formed of nondescript dots or spots. Fairly diagnostic due to the flight period.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing September – October.

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

Large Wainscot 


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