72.053 BF2489 – Fan-foot – Erebidae – Herminia tarsipennalis


Fan-foot ErebidaeHerminiiae – Herminia tarsipennalis – colour code

STATUS A resident that is fairly common and widely distributed in Derbyshire. A lowland species whose range extends just into the upland regions where it is in smaller and fewer numbers. The south of the county holds the larger population densities.

ID POINTERS – A small light-brown, triangular shaped moth with three dark brown cross-lines. The outer one is straight, whereas the central and basal lines are wavy with the central being shaped like a question mark. Protruding and upturned palps or snout. Care is needed to isolate from Small Fan-foot and Common Fan-foot.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing June – August. 

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© 




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