2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

Surprise, Surprise

Friday 22nd November 2012, walking out the door of the house to head off to work and "Bang" just across the road 2 Waxwings in a neighbours Rowan Tree. Mad dash back in doors for Camera, totally unprepared, late for work as it is, managed a few quick frantic shots before flushed by Blackbirds. Just […]

2011, Birds, Birds of 2011, Year

Recent updates – March 13th / 19th / 20th

March 13th 2011 – Blithfield Reservoir, Staffordshire. My second attempt for the Great White Egret, eventually paid off. Seen in flight briefly before disappearing from view in dense willow scrub. Also my first spring migrant for 2011- 2 parties of Sand Martin – 1 off 11 birds and 1 of 6 birds. Nice to see

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