Apr 042022

A Red-necked Grebe was discovered at Carsington Water, Derbyshire in January 2022 and was joined later in the month by a second bird. 

Always a good grebe species to connect with inland during the winter months. They often linger well into early spring, by which time they have usually moulted into their summer plumage, when they are then pretty impressive.

Also at the site was the returning Great Northern Diver, another good inland find. I managed to find one at my local patch at Staunton Harold Reservoir in December 2020, that hung around into 2021.

Jan 012012

My 2012 year list got underway at Carsington Water this morning.

A very grey and overcast morning and later heavy rain put paid to the day. We ended on 70 species with highlights being the adult winter Great Northern Diver at Carsington along with a Redshank & a pair of Pintail; 6 Goldeneye; drake Goosander; 37 Golden Plover; Lesser Redpoll; Tree Sparrow and plenty of common birds. The water levels here are incredibly low and it will take months to restore water levels back to normal.

At Willington Gravel Pits early afternoon – Little Egret; Shoveler; Shelduck; Common Snipe & Water Rail were highlights.

So Year List stands at 70.

