During this winter 2023-2024, the UK has been the host to an invasion of Bohemian Waxwings (Aka, Pink Punks due to the account of their Pink Crests). A rather large flock gathered at Hassop, near Bakewell, providing superb opportunities to see these birds at close quarters. The flock, around c300-400 at its best, but regularly around 200 birds, was quite a sight and one of the largest in Derbyshire for many years. We paid them a visit on 29th December 2023, and I was able to obtain some pleasant photographs, as they were making frequent visits to a hawthorn bush by the main cafe centre. Despite large numbers of visitors, including reasonable numbers of visiting bird-watchers, the Waxwings were quite obliging if one was patient, and kept a reasonable and sensible distance.
A friend paid me a visit on 16th December to drop off Christmas Cards, just before he left, he picked up a Waxwing perched on a high Conifer tree at the bottom of our road. The bird spent the rest of the late morning feeding in a neighbours secluded garden. My neighbours kindly allowed me access to their garden, and I was able to take a few photographs. It also spent time in the afternoon, perching on the tops of conifers and silver birch trees, covering a wide area, and using them as vantage points. It would then perform flying sorties after insects, it was a mild afternoon, before it disappeared, presumably to roost. It was a first winter male and was still around early morning on the 17th, when I saw it perched high up on what appeared to be its favoured conifer tree. After a brief fly-around it disappeared over houses and I never saw it again.
Such a privilege to have had one of these Scandinavian visitors right on my door step.
Sorry folks more Waxwings – Nothing special locally and most of the Trent Valley is currently flooded out, so local birding was a wee bit quiet. Another opportunity therefore to photograph Waxwings. Just can't get enough of these gorgeous birds. There was a reasonable flock at Rugeley, in Staffordshire and they were very obliging, albeit briefly for around 15 – 20 minutes this morning. Unfortunately the majority of birds on view were immatures.