2021, Birds, Birds of 2021, Mammals, Year

Bits and Bobs

My first Sand Martin for the year was on 26th March at Staunton Harold Reservoir,  along with 2 Chiffchaff and 9 Lesser Redpoll. Two Swallow and a singing Blackcap at SHRes on 27th March were also new for the year. The drake Ring-necked Duck put in an appearance at Melbourne Pool briefly on 28th March,

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020, Mammals, Trips

The Autumn Red Deer Rut

In recent weeks the local Red Deer Stags at NT Calke Park, South Derbyshire have been very vocal. Their bellowing calls can be heard at great distance. Autumn is the time of year when the Stags engage in elaborate displays of dominance including roaring, parallel walks, and fighting. This behaviour is called The Rut, it

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020, Mammals, Snow Leopard, Trips

My Quest for the Ghost Cat

For many years now a personal obsession of mine has been to see a Snow Leopard and my first attempt to see this animal commenced last year. During late July into early August 2019, I spent two weeks in Mongolia with Wise Birding Holidays. Our first week was spent entirely in the south Gobi Altai

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