2020, Birds, Birds of 2020, Year

Last Photo Shoot of 2020

Well 2020 has been a mighty strange year to say the least. The COVID Pandemic has caused chaos across the world and may have changed our lives. I’m not so sure things will ever be the same again. I managed a trip to Mongolia in March, to finalise my Snow Leopard Quest but I paid […]

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

A Christmas Day Surprise

Whilst counting the waterbirds on Staunton Harold Reservoir, I came across a gull roosting on one of the buoys. I paid little attention to it as I was distracted by the Great Northern Diver out in the middle of the reservoir. The diver disappeared so I went back to the gull and immediately discovered it

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

A Close Encounter of the Diver Kind

I videoed the Great Northern Diver, that I found on 15th December, on Saturday 19th December and it looked decidedly unwell. It was later caught by Seven Trent Wardens and found to have fishing tackle wrapped around its neck and bill. It was released but wasn’t seen again until 23rd December and, thankfully, looking in

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

A New Bird for my Patch

Whilst looking for the Great Northern Diver at Staunton Harold Reservoir on Thursday 17th December, I received a phone call from Rob Hutchinson, around mid day, to say he may have found a Ring-necked Duck, but only had binoculars. I said I would be with him in 10 minutes with a scope. On my arrival

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

Just Common Birds

In these strange times of COVID19 lock-downs and Tier Systems in place, it is difficult for me to venture out of my comfort zone. In other-words, travel farther afield than ones home patch.  I am very fortunate to live in a rural area and have plenty of places on my local doorstep to go birding.

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

2 Local Cattle Egrets

2 local Cattle Egrets were found in amongst a flock of Mute Swans feeding in a field between Willington and Repton early afternoon ( 21st Nov). Quite a rare bird for my area so worth paying them a visit. There was also a male Peregrine briefly over the area. This morning 2 Yellow-legged Gulls at

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020, Mammals, Trips

The Autumn Red Deer Rut

In recent weeks the local Red Deer Stags at NT Calke Park, South Derbyshire have been very vocal. Their bellowing calls can be heard at great distance. Autumn is the time of year when the Stags engage in elaborate displays of dominance including roaring, parallel walks, and fighting. This behaviour is called The Rut, it

2020, Birds, Birds of 2020

A Derbyshire Red-throated Diver

Any inland Diver is a rare find and usually one that is associated with the winter period. With Black-throated Diver now a very rare visitor to Derbyshire, last recorded in 2011 and Great Northern Diver now an annual visitor to my county, the Red-throated Diver in recent times seems to have  gained second place status.

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