Moth Traps General, Moths

Invasion of the Rannoch Looper

During June 2023, unusual numbers of Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata) moth were arriving in the UK, with Records being reported from a number of inland counties, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and even as far wide as Cambridgeshire, Northumberland and Hampshire. Most counties were recording their first records of this species, and I’m sure […]

2006, Moth Traps General, Year

A new moth species for Britain – Trapped – St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly – October 18th 2006

Mick Scott trapped a Pyralid species at Longstone’s, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly on 18th October 2006. He initially thought that it was a Grass Webworm species – possibly Herpetogramma centrostrigalis or licarsisalis (1406, 1406a), however the group are notoriously difficult to identify and therefore caution was required as to a positive ID. The species licarsisalis had been recorded

2004, Moth Traps General, Year

Kentish Glory – Skye of Curr – Trapped 1st – 2nd May 2004

The Kentish Glory is a Category A, nationally scarce moth species in Britain. Now confined to the central & eastern Highlands of Scotland. It has declined at sites in Speyside  where the birch woodland has become mature but appears to be on the increase in Deeside where birch re-growth has become extensive. Where this moth was trapped the birch seems

2003, Moth Traps General, Year

Moth Trapping on St. Agnes 2003 – 11th – 18th October 2003

St. Agnes, the most westerly island of the Scilly archipelago, not only offers good birding but is also a superb place for trapping rare migrant moth species.   The week of 11-18th October 2003,  presented a period of ideal weather and the highlights are listed here. The week before we arrived Porter’s Rustic; Radford’s Flame-shoulder; Blair’s Mocha,

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