2004, Birds, Birds of 2004, Year

Sora Rail, Nottinghamshire – 12th Dec 2004

Sora – Porzana carolina – Clifton Pit, Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire. Birding is just an unpredictable experience. We had covered a local patch at Willington, Derbyshire, for not a lot – a few common species of wildfowl. We had then spent nearly 3 hours in a damp hide sitting and patiently waiting for a Bittern, at the Attenborough Reserve, […]

2004, Birds, Birds of 2004, Year

Britain’s 1st Masked Shrike – 31st October 2004

Masked Shrike – Lanius nubicus- Juvenile – 1st year Kilrenny Common, Kilrenny, Fife. Note the overall grey appearance of the bird. A small and slightly built shrike. Small thin bill less heavy than other shrike species I have seen. Also a long tail and a rump which is dark and same colour as back. Note the large,clean

2004, Birds, Birds of 2004, Year

A Controversial Curlew at Minsmere – 5th Oct 2004

Eurasian Curlew – Possible 1st winter female Slender-billed Curlew – Numenius tenuirostris . 5th October 2010 – Minismere, Eastbridge area, Suffolk.   On 28th September 2004 Brian Small posted two photos on Surfbirds of an interesting looking Curlew species, found on the Minsmere Levels, Suffolk. On 29th  September 2 more photos were posted by Jeff Higgott and

2004, Moth Traps General, Year

Kentish Glory – Skye of Curr – Trapped 1st – 2nd May 2004

The Kentish Glory is a Category A, nationally scarce moth species in Britain. Now confined to the central & eastern Highlands of Scotland. It has declined at sites in Speyside  where the birch woodland has become mature but appears to be on the increase in Deeside where birch re-growth has become extensive. Where this moth was trapped the birch seems

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