2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

Looks like a miniature Red-backed Shrike

A male Penduline Tit has been resident on a small local wetland area called Plock Court Wetlands at Longford, near Gloucester. So, worth a visit, as these birds are not so easy to see in Britain. Male Penduline Tit always reminds me of a miniature Red-backed Shrike and this bird was very active feeding on […]

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

All the way from the Desert . .

A male Desert Wheatear was found during this past week, in fields alongside the Cleveland Way near Whitby, North Yorkshire. Desert Wheatear often turn up late in the year and are always worth looking at. A trip to the coast had been previously planned for today, Boxing Day, so Whitby very quickly became the destination. I

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017

Parrots in Derbyshire

This winter there has been a small invasion of Parrot Crossbills into the UK and at least 12 birds have arrived in Derwent Dale, Derbyshire. Larger and much bulkier with a heavier bill and a metallic “chup chup” call helps to tell them apart from the more usual Common Crossbill. There was a flock of

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017

The Berry Breaker

During late autumn, early winter this year (2017), there has been an unprecedented arrival of Hawfinch into Britain, with most arriving from Eastern Europe. Birds are well spread throughout the UK and as far as Derbyshire is concerned, the Hawfinch is classified as a scarce resident. So it was inevitable that sooner or later, birds

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

Local Birds and Run Up to Christmas

The past few days have seen some heavy snow, resulting in 5 -10cms across Derbyshire, the worst snow conditions for a number of years. On the 8th December I made a trip up to Derwent Dale, as there had been a flock of Parrot Crossbill regularly visiting an area of open woodland near “Windy Corner”.

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

Local Birds

Spent a few hours recent at one of South Derbyshire’s prime spots – Willington Gravel Pits and also at Melbourne Pool. A few good photo opportunities presented themselves.  Kingfisher – above 3 images – Willington GP, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© – This is a male as there is no orange to the base of the

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

A Mixed Bag of Birds

A round-up of the last weekend’s Birding Trips. I have visited several sites over the past few days, including Rutland Water, Bridlington, Covenham and Cropwell Bishop in Nottinghamshire, as there have been a few good birds around including Red-necked Phalarope, American Wigeon, Red-necked Grebe and Great Grey Shrike. The mild weather has also seen many insects

2017, Birds, Birds of 2017, Year

Moulting Red-necked Phalarope

A juvenile moulting Red-necked Phalarope has been present at Covenham Reservoir, in Lincolnshire, for nearly two weeks. This is an uncommon event for a Red-necked Phalarope to be present at an inland water in late November. I decided to visit Covenham today ( 17th November) to see it and it showed very well feeding along

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