Arctic Gull visits Foremark Reservoir

24th September 2024 – After a fine lunch at nearby Willington Marina, we decide to head back home via Foremark Reservoir. Upon arrival (14:10) I set up the scope from the dam wall end and began scanning, I quickly picked up (14:15 approx) 2 Black-headed Gulls and a third gull obviously smaller, with a dark blackish grey hood, which was beginning to moult around the forehead and a dark grey mantle and upper wing with black primaries. Wondering what this was, and I obviously knew it was something good, it jumped off the water and spread its wings. The expletive that followed was one of amazement, an adult Sabine’s Gull. I couldn’t contain myself. Racing back to the car to tell the “boss” of my find, grabbing bins and racing back to the scope. It took me a while to relocate it. Where were my Swaro’s when I needed them!!

I immediately put it out on the local social media and Whats App groups and onto Rare Bird Alert. A new species for Foremark and I think its about the eighth record for Derbyshire. When the bird was in flight it was simply stunning, showing off the classic tricoloured, triangle patterned wing, of black, white and grey. I only had my mobile phone so below is a handheld record photo and video clip taken through my telescope. Chuffed to Monkeys. Also on the reservoir were 30 Goosander and 5 Little Egrets of note.

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