2006, Birds, Birds of 2006, Year

Long-billed Murrelet in Devon – 12th November 2006

A first record for Britain, what a bird.I doubt if anyone would have predicted this species as a potential addition to the British List? Photographs of this bird were originally posted to the internet as a Little Auk, on Tuesday 7th November. The bird was subsequently identified from the photos and when the news finally came out, […]

2006, Moth Traps General, Year

A new moth species for Britain – Trapped – St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly – October 18th 2006

Mick Scott trapped a Pyralid species at Longstone’s, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly on 18th October 2006. He initially thought that it was a Grass Webworm species – possibly Herpetogramma centrostrigalis or licarsisalis (1406, 1406a), however the group are notoriously difficult to identify and therefore caution was required as to a positive ID. The species licarsisalis had been recorded

2006, Birds, Birds of 2006, Year

Laughing Gull – Porthmadog, Gwynedd – 5th Mar 2006

Laughing Gull – Larus atricilla Adult winter – Porthmadod, Gwynedd – March 5th 2006 This North American Larus  is one of a number that turned up in the UK during the gales in November 2005. This particular bird had been in the Porthmadog area since that time and was a very confiding individual. About 60 Laughing Gulls were

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