2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

End of the Year – 2012

This may well prove to be my last post for 2012 – What better way to end the year than to observe, at close quarters, a bird that is usually viewed miles out at sea with other seaduck. Velvet Scoter are not often seen inland but this winter a small number have found their way onto a […]

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

Great Weather for Ducks

Rain, Rain Rain – Ah, a little repsite this morning. Very few good birds about locally (apart from the many Waxwings) and even less at Staunton Harold Reservoir. The Yellow-legged Gulls seem to have moved off, as does the Caspian Gull. Last date I had a Yellow-legged was last Tuesday 18th December. A Green Woodpecker Yaffled,

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012, Year

Just Can’t Get Enough of em!

Sorry folks more Waxwings – Nothing special locally and most of the Trent Valley is currently flooded out, so local birding was a wee bit quiet. Another opportunity therefore to photograph Waxwings. Just can't get enough of these gorgeous birds. There was a reasonable flock at Rugeley, in Staffordshire and they were very obliging, albeit briefly for

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

A Bombycilla Day

More Waxwings pour into Derbyshire. With the recent cold weather, more Waxwings have moved south into central and southern England and there have been several large flocks in Derbyshire. Upto 200 in the Long Eaton area and over 100 in the Ilkestone area. So this morning I was on the chase. The weather was really

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

A Surprise County Tick

A Velvet Scoter in Derbyshire – A fairly mediocre kind of day turned out rather good, with an unexpected County Tick. We had decided to visit Carsington Reservoir, as there was a Slavonian Grebe and Great Northern Diver and there is always a chance of finding a good bird at this site. We eventually saw

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012, Year

November 2012 at Staunton Harold Reservoir

Staunton Harold Reservoir is my local patch, being about 1-2 miles from home. I try to visit on a daily basis, usually stopping off at the main car park for 20-30 minutes first thing each week day morning before heading off for work and visiting at least early morning on a Saturday. During the migration

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012

Surprise, Surprise

Friday 22nd November 2012, walking out the door of the house to head off to work and "Bang" just across the road 2 Waxwings in a neighbours Rowan Tree. Mad dash back in doors for Camera, totally unprepared, late for work as it is, managed a few quick frantic shots before flushed by Blackbirds. Just

2012, Birds, Birds of 2012, British Butterflies

A Dippidy Doodah Day

Missed the Hoodie – drat… but a new tick – an Ivy Bee – NOT – Miss Identified !! You can't win em all, as they say. We missed out today (18th Nov) on the Hooded Merganser at Pagham Harbour, apparently seen to fly off late afternoon on Saturday 17th November. Well it had done

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