Feb 112023

My annual trip to Unst took place during 23rd September to 1st October. Our first port of call on arrival into Lerwick was at Gulberwick on mainland, for a smart drake Surf Scoter. Unfortunately too far to photograph.

On arrival on Unst our first decent bird was a Woodchat Shrike at Feall, then followed by a Slavonian Grebe at Norwick and a Great Northern Diver at Uyeasound. Later in the day we had a Yellow-browed Warbler and 3 Common Rosefinch at Valyie. 

During the rest of the week we managed to pick-up a decent bird on most days. A Storm Petrel and a Red-backed Shrike on 25th Sept. A drake Long-tailed Duck, a Barred Warbler and a Snow Bunting on 27th Sept. Red-breasted Flycatcher, Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll and a Blythe’s Reed Warbler on 29th Sept. We had several cool encounters with Otter during our week.

Some horrendous weather during the end of the week prevented any proper birding, but on 1st October, back on mainland, we had another Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll, a Great Grey Shrike of the race Homeyeri and bird of the week, a Swainson’s Thrush at Mid-Yell. Finishing off with a 1st winter drake King Eider at Wester Quarf.

Barred Warbler – Norwick, Unst
Barred Warbler – Norwick, Unst
Common Rosefinch – Valyie, Unst
Great Grey Shrike – race Homeyeri – Hillswick, Mainland Shetland
Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll – Hillswick, Mainland Shetland
Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll – Hillswick, Mainland Shetland
Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll – Uyeasound, Unst – always distant
Common Redpoll – Clingera, Unst
Otter – Unst
Otter – Unst
Red-backed Shrike – Clingera, Unst
Yellow-browed Warbler – Clingera, Unst
Yellow-browed Warbler – Clingera, Unst
Swainson’s Thrush – Mid Yell
Swainson’s Thrush – Mid Yell
Dec 162022
18th April 2022 - A few days break in the Scottish Highlands

During mid-April I finally managed to spend a few days with Black Grouse at a Lek in the Scottish Highlands. I booked myself on a photographic workshop, organised by pro-photographer Andy Howard.  Well worth it, despite several very early morning rises. We had to be located in the hide well before daybreak. It was a fantastic experience to be just a few yards away from lekking Black Grouse, as the males strutted their stuff in front of several females. By 7am, the battles were all over for another day. Sadly, Black Grouse is now a fast declining bird in Britain, […]

Dec 162022
9th April 2022 - Albert returns

Affectionately known as “Albert”, the Black-browed Albatross returned to the RSPB reserve at Bempton Cliffs on the Yorkshire coast, in early April. Albatrosses are renowned for their long distance travelling, and this particular species is some 10,000 miles off course. The breeding grounds are located in the southern oceans, around the Falkland Islands. Albert has now revisited Bempton three years in succession, giving many people the unique opportunity of seeing an Albatrosses in British waters. Lets hope Albert returns in 2023, fingers crossed.

Dec 162022
April 2022 - Spring Bramblings

I’m lucky to live fairly close to Calke Park and Abbey, in south Derbyshire, which is owned by the National Trust. It has one of the best bird feeding stations in my area and is often a good place to see Brambling in early spring. The males at this time of year look stunning as they begin to moult into their full breeding plumage. On this occasion, in early April, my timing was right as there were small numbers at the feeders, including several males. Also an assortment of other woodland birds including, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Stock Dove, Greenfinch […]

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