Jan 012024
Christmas 2023 in Norfolk

My wife and I spent our Christmas in North Norfolk. A few days away was just the tonic we both needed, and some good birds to finish off 2023. A detour was in order, via RSPB Frampton, for the very obliging Lesser Yellowlegs that seems to be over wintering at the site, and also gradually moulting into adult plumage. Also 3 Scaup were further highlights during a breakfast bacon “butty” in the Cafe. Stopping via Cley Marshes for Avocet, Ruff, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier and a Red Kite. Christmas Eve morning was spent at RSPB Titchwell and I managed […]

Dec 192023
Another Pink Punk on my door-step

A friend paid me a visit on 16th December to drop off Christmas Cards, just before he left, he picked up a Waxwing perched on a high Conifer tree at the bottom of our road. The bird spent the rest of the late morning feeding in a neighbours secluded garden. My neighbours kindly allowed me access to their garden, and I was able to take a few photographs. It also spent time in the afternoon, perching on the tops of conifers and silver birch trees, covering a wide area, and using them as vantage points. It would then perform flying […]

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