2023, Birds, Birds of 2023

A break in Majorca and a rather Special Gull

My wife and I decided to take a late break in Majorca, during early September. We spent a week at Port de Pollenca, basically just relaxing in the very warm sunshine for the time of year, eating Paella and enjoying a few beers. I made the decision, before we left, to switch off and just […]

2023, Birds, Birds of 2023, Insects

More Waders at RSPB Frampton

Another visit to RSPB Frampton Marsh on 30th August, produced a Pectoral Sandpiper, 5 Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, the usual common waders, 38 Spoonbill, c60 Little Egret, 5 Pintail, a Turtle Dove, and for me, a new species of Odonata,  2 Willow Emerald.

2023, Birds of 2023

A new bird for Britain

On Monday 1st May 2023, a Grey-headed Lapwing was discovered on the wader scrape pools at Low-Newton-by-the-Sea, in Northumberland. Goodness knows what the birder must have thought, when he set eyes on this extremely attractive wader, that had decided to arrive on his local patch. If accepted by the BOU, it would be a new

2023, Birds of 2023, Trips

Spring Wader Fest at RSPB Frampton

Early May always produces a good selection of waders and yesterday, 2nd May, was no exception at Frampton. There has been an influx of Black-winged Stilts into Britain these past few weeks, and no doubt some will be settling down to breed. A pair were at Frampton but were just a little distant, nevertheless showed

2023, Birds, Birds of 2023, Trips

Pied Flycatcher in the Derbyshire Peak District

The old oak woodlands of the Derbyshire Peak District hold a variety of special birds that are summer visitors to Britain. Sadly, they are becoming increasingly scarce, so these habitats are of vital importance. The Pied Flycatcher and Common Redstart are two migrants that arrive in late April, followed by Tree Pipit, Wood Warbler and

2023, Birds of 2023, Flowers, Trips

Local Patch Recent Highlights

Since returning from Mull, birding the local patch at Staunton Harold Reservoir has been hard work. The 22nd April produced the first returning Common Tern, House Martin, and Common Whitethroat. On the 24th April there was a good fall of hirundines, the most I’ve seen this spring, with c20 Sand Martin, c 30 Swallow and

2023, Birds, Birds of 2023, Trips

A Trip to the Isle of Mull

16th – 21st April – During the week we covered most of the island in search of Eagles, Harriers, Owls and Otters. Both Eagles were seen well, as was Otter and Hen Harrier. Plenty of good views of several “Grey Male’ Hen Harriers but alas heat haze beat us, and birds remained distant, having been

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