70.107 BF1795 – November Moth – Geometridae – Epirrita dilutata


November Moth Geometridae – Larentiinae – Epirrita dilutata – colour code

STATUS – A resident that is common and well distributed throughout the county.
Can be very common locally.
ID POINTERS – The four species of Epirrita moth are notoriously difficult to ID in the field. Best to follow the information contained in the ID Guides. In some cases the moths genitalia needs to be inspected. However in fresh clearly marked (dilutata) individuals, the post-median line touches or bends towards the small black discal spot if present. In the Pale November Moth (christyi) the black discal spot is isolated.
FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing between September – November.
IMAGESChristian Heintzen has kindly provided me with his fabulous plate, for which I’m very grateful,  on identifying November Moth and Autumnal Moth by wing phenotype, octavals and flight season  -Christian Heintzen©

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