73.068 BF2245 – Green-brindled Crescent – Noctuidae – Allophyes oxyacanthae


Green-brindled Crescent Noctuidae – Psaphidinae  – Allophyes oxyacanthae – colour code

STATUS A resident that is widely distributed and locally common in Derbyshire. A species that is fairly common throughout well wooded areas of the county. The melanic form is usually predominant in the Coal Measure areas.

ID POINTERS – An unmistakable autumn species having two colour forms. The paler brown form has a stunning dusting and streaking of emerald green across the forewing. The oval and kidney marks being paler brown and obvious. There is a broad creamy cross-line at the outer wing edge and a large pale cream tufted area on top of the thorax. The melanic form, which is a darker brown lacks the green suffusion. There is also a crescent mark close to the forewing trailing edge.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing September – October.

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

Green-brindled Crescent.


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