70.052 BF1725 – Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet – Geometridae – Xanthorhoe ferrugata


Dark-barred Twin-spot CarpetGeometridae – Larentiinae – Xanthorhoe ferrugata – colour code

STATUS – A resident that is widely distributed and locally common throughout Derbyshire. However it is listed as a red data species 2002. Highest numbers are in the Trent Valley and tends to be uncommon in the Peak.
ID POINTERS – The moth can be confused with Red Twin-spot Carpet (spadicearia)n but the central cross-band is usually a dark purple, slate-grey or even black and the absence of an off-whitish post-median line helps the ID process.
FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing between May  – September.
IMAGES – Melbourne – Images by Tony Davison© 
 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
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