Jun 072015
Lakenheath Fen

I spent most of today, Sunday 7th June, at Lakenheath Fen listening to a strange croaking sound emanating from one of the reed beds. It was the song of a male Little Bittern and the first time I had ever heard it. The bird was continuously singing for at least an hour and a half and then off and on and despite the soft sound, it was still far-carrying. After some time, I was lucky enough to obtain two brief flight views. Also around the fen were numerous Hobby hunting dragonflies, at least 10 Marsh Harrier, several Bearded Tit, a Kingfisher, […]

Jun 022015
The Saga of the Titchfield Haven Yellowlegs.

Whilst I was on Samos, my good friend Barrie spent a day at Titchfield Haven in Hampshire, chasing a much needed tick, a Greater Yellowlegs. The bird had been faithful to the nature reserve all week, except of course the Saturday that Barrie decided to go for it. One week later, back from Samos on the Thursday and Barrie calls, “The Yellowlegs is back, do you fancy a trip” ? Yep, why not, a long time since I’ve seen a Greater Yellowlegs. So at 5:15am on Saturday morning, 30th May, we made our way down to the south coast. The reserve […]

Jun 012015
Samos 2015

My wife & I spent another glorious week at our favourite place on Samos, at the small fishing village of Kokkari on the north coast of this beautiful island. This was our third year running on Samos and I must admit, it is one of my favourite places to just simply chill-out for a week and do very little at all. We were one week earlier than last year and so a little too early for the passage of  Eleonora’s Falcon. However I did have a huge passage of Bee-eaters on 22nd May. During the day well over 100 birds […]

May 172015
Missed One, Find Another

A visit to Long Eaton Gravel Pits Complex, Derbyshire, on Saturday morning 16th May, proved to be somewhat of an anticlimax. We visited the site in the hope of seeing a Temminck’s Stint, a very rare passage wader in Derbyshire. May is the prime time for these birds to arrive at inland sites, as they journey back to their northern breeding grounds. Their presence often coincides with the arrival of Sanderling, another wader that is scarce inland. We are more familiar with them in their white winter plumage, running along the beach, chasing the tide line. A Temminck’s Stint had […]

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