Sep 032021
A Derbyshire `Tick'

Over the years I’ve missed numerous Spoonbills in Derbyshire. This spring I missed one at Ogston by minutes, so I was hopeful that I would catch up with one soon enough, especially as their numbers are increasing in the UK year on year. Sure enough, an immature bird was discovered during mid-morning at Willington Gravel Pits on the 25th August 2021, giving me my chance and fortunately the bird stayed long enough for me to see it. It showed well albeit a little distant on the gravel spit on the main lagoon. As is often the case at Willington, birds […]

Mar 142021
Bits and Bobs from the past few days

A morning spent at Willington GP on 7th March, provided a few year ticks – Great Egret, 14 Curlew, 2 Water Rail, 3 Cetti’s Warbler and a Kingfisher. A Curlew flew over Staunton Harold Reservoir on 8th March, and a Chiffchaff was the first spring migrant of the year.  My March highlight so far at Staunton Harold Res was the re-discovery of the wandering drake Ring-necked Duck in the afternoon of the 13th. I found it amongst a large flock of 64 Tufted Duck and 3 Pochard. Needless to say the birds were not present on the morning of the […]

Dec 282014
Local Stuff on a Winter's Morning

Sunday 28th December 2014. A stunning early winter’s morning at one of the local patches close to home. Bright and sunny with superb blue skies, gave some great photographic opportunities. This posting and the attached photographs are dedicated to my dear Auntie Bees, who peacefully passed away late this morning after a short but severe illness. She loved all wildlife, and the natural world. We shall miss her dearly. R.I.P xx Grey Lag Goose – Melbourne Pool, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© Canada Goose – “Crash Landing” – Melbourne Pool, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© Canada Goose – “Crash Landing” – Melbourne […]

54.003 BF0164 – Cistus Forester – Zygaenidae – Adscita geryon

54.003 BF0164 - Cistus Forester - Zygaenidae - Adscita geryon

Cistus Forester – Zygaenidae – Procridinae – Adscita geryon – colour code • STATUS – Last recorded in 2023 – A nationally scarce species but is local too fairly common on breeding areas in the Limestone Dales of Derbyshire, where the food plant, Rock Rose exists. It is rare away from these ares, especially  from the extreme north and northwest of the county. Normally recorded in ones or twos, never in numbers.  ID POINTERS – There are two species of British Forester moth found in Derbyshire. The Cistus Forester is the smaller of the two therefore more easy to identify. […]

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