2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Trips, Year

The Scottish Highlands for a special bird

I decided to spend a few days in Scotland photographing Crested Tit with my good friend and Pro Photographer Pete Walkden. (https://www.petewalkden.co.uk). Highly recommended.. I had a marvellous time as always, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Heavy snow in the forest, some sunshine and blue skies, making conditions ideal.   I also spent […]

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Year

A Wild Goose Chase to Norfolk

A rare Red-breasted Goose had arrived in Norfolk with a flock of Dark-bellied Brent Geese. It was regularly frequenting the area around Cley, Blakeney and Salthouse, so we decided to head over and spend a couple of nights in early February 2022, giving me more than ample opportunity to get some photos of this stunning

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Year

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside

A day trip to Scarborough is a must to see the over wintering Mediterranean Gulls and often there are divers and grebes sheltering in the fishing harbour. On 4th February we made a day trip to Scarborough and managed some superb views of a juvenile Great Northern Diver and of course the “Med” Gulls. A

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Year

Local area update – January 2022

A Yellow-legged Gull was a nice find on my patch at Staunton Harold Reservoir on 3rd Jan, along with an early Kingfisher. 4 Brambling and a drake Gadwall on 10th Jan, Treecreeper on 17th Jan, with Brambling increasing to 10. During my January WEBS count highlights were, 114 Great Crested Grebe, 111 Teal, 6 Little

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022

Rare Grebe at Carsington Water, Derbyshire

A Red-necked Grebe was discovered at Carsington Water, Derbyshire in January 2022 and was joined later in the month by a second bird.  Always a good grebe species to connect with inland during the winter months. They often linger well into early spring, by which time they have usually moulted into their summer plumage, when

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Trips, Year

First trip to Norfolk for 2022

Guaranteed to boost the year list, is an early new year trip to the north Norfolk coast. Bristling with waders, ducks and geese and one or two special wintering birds. It’s difficult to pull in all the sites on a day trip but we managed, Titchwell, Holkham, Cley, Stiffkey, Wells and Hunstanton. During the day

2022, Birds, Birds of 2022, Trips

2022 Kicks off at WWT Welney

My year list kicked off at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Reserve at Welney in Norfolk. Always a great place to visit for the wildfowl spectacle, including Whooper Swans and various species of dabbling duck. It’s also an ideal place for some photography. During our time there I tallied 52 species including, Whooper Swan, Great

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