Apr 042022

A day trip to Scarborough is a must to see the over wintering Mediterranean Gulls and often there are divers and grebes sheltering in the fishing harbour.

On 4th February we made a day trip to Scarborough and managed some superb views of a juvenile Great Northern Diver and of course the “Med” Gulls. A loaf of bread always comes in handy.

Great Northern Diver – Juvenile
Great Northern Diver – Juvenile
Mediterranean Gull – adult in winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – 1st winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – adult in winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – adult moulting into summer plumage
Mediterranean Gull – adult in winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – adult moulting into summer plumage
Mediterranean Gull – 2nd winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – 1st winter plumage
Mediterranean Gull – 2nd summer plumage
Mediterranean Gull – adult moulting into summer plumage
May 152011


Carsington Water,  in my county of Derbyshire, has held several Great Northern Divers during the winter of 2010-2011and one of which has now attained full summer plumage.
A bird that was well worth seeing, stunning and showed very well but just a little too distant for the camera. The above image is well cropped but shows the distinctive features of a summer plumaged bird. Also here a very photogenic male Tree Sparrow.  A Black Stork had been frequenting a river valley in Northamptonshire, so when the news on the “Pager” confirmed that the bird was still present, we decided to head off towards Northampton. No sooner had we hit the M1, the news advised that the bird had flown off, so a detour to Rutland Water, Rutland was in order. Walking around the reserve and stopping off at the various hides produced a good selection of species. Numerous flocks of Dunlin & Ringed Plover  held a single Sanderling, Turnstone and a Curlew. Several Avocet, a first summer Little Gull, several Arctic Tern and a Turtle Dove. The Pager advised that the Black Stork had been relocated, so a hasty retreat to the car and within about 1 hour we were soon watching a stunning Black Stork. The bird was located along a small river valley between the villages of Flore and Nether Heyford. Unfortunately  I ran out of battery for my camera, serves me right for not being adequately prepared.. Still I nailed Tree Sparrow, see below !!
The Year List increases to 207.
Apr 172011

A superb few days in one of my favourite places in the UK. During our 4 days we saw all the specialities. Our planning worked wonders again and we even managed 2 crossbill species.

On 14th arriving at Loch Garten around 2pm, we very quickly encountered our first Crested Tits

on our usual walk around the Loch. The pair of Ospreys were showing at the RSPB Centre and the female had laid her first egg early in the morning, so all was well. We then went to our nicknamed spot “Crossbill Corner” and sure enough we had 5 Scottish Crossbill and 2 more Crested Tit.

On our way to the B & B we stopped off at at a small Loch and had a stunning summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe, much to the delight of Ken. Also here several Goldeneye and around 100 Sand Martin.

15th April up at the crack of sparrows – The RSPB Centre holds a Capercaille Watch, which is the recognised way these days of looking for this superb grouse. We had superb views of a male. Moving on for Black Grouse and then back to B&B for breakfast. We spent several hours up on top of Cairngorm, in stunning weather looking for Ptarmigan, eventually seeing a male well on the ground and in display flight. Also on the mountain, Snow Bunting, numerous Wheatear, Red Grouse and Ring Ouzel. Later in the afternoon we had 5 Parrot Crossbill in a nearby wood. Emptying the moth trap on arrival back at the B&B I was ecstatic to fine a fresh female Kentish Glory sitting on the egg trays inside the trap.. Wow!!!

16th April a full day up the west coast to Loch Maree, Gairloch and Loch Gruinard. Magnificent views of a male White-tailed Eagle over Loch Maree. Around the many bays and lochs we saw numerous summer plumaged Red & Black throated Divers as well as 15+ Great Northern Diver,

5 Bonxies, numerous Tysties, 2 Greenshank and 2 Whooper Swan.

17th April, the magnificent Findhorn Valley. Eventually produced a Golden Eagle. Many skeins of Pink-footed Geese were moving North during the morning in bright sunshine and clear blue skies. Several Common Sandpiper along the river and Ring Ouzel were showing and singing all along the valley. We rounded off the day with 2 superb Black-throated Diver, a fishing Osprey and great views of a pair of Crested Tit. The year list has moved on to 180

I ran several Moth Traps during my stay and overnight on the 14th April I trapped a superb female Kentish Glory. One of the most impressive moths in the UK. – Below – Female Kentish Glory ; Adult Hooded Crow; Adult Red Squirrel; female Wigeon, Loch Garten.


Jan 232011

A very poor day for photography so no new bird pictures I’m afraid.

Instead a day out year ticking some of the local species around my county at this time of year.

Cromford Wharf is now the traditional site for Hawfinch and eventually 5 birds gave themselves up. On the River Derwent Dipper was singing and 2 birds showed well. Also Nuthatch, 2 Goosander and a party of 14 Long-tailed Tit.

Moving onto the tops at Beeley we had 30+ Coal Tit, Tree Creeper & Nuthatch at a local feeding station, also several Red Grouse on the Moor.

Next stop was Carsington Water for the 2 Great Northern Diver, Very few wildfowl for this time of year. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was near the Paul Stanley Hide.

Finally finishing off at Bradley for Mandarin. Year list is 132.

