Despite the snow and pretty awful conditions, we set out for the fens of Cambridgeshire and Norfolk, in the pursuit of some Short-eared Owls. It was a long and careful drive through many untreated roads but we arrived at our Short-eared Owl site near Eldernell around eleven o’clock. We quickly encountered several birds hunting but all birds were too far away for the camera. We eventually counted around 8 – 10 birds along with three Marsh Harrier. Between here and our journey to the Ouse Washes, there were large numbers of wild swans feeding in the fields. Numerous Bewick’s Swan and much larger numbers of Whooper Swan. A cracking pair of local Barn Owls performed for the camera and I was able to test out my new lens and camera. The year list moved on a few notches to 236
Short-eared Owl – above two record shots – Eldernell, Cambridgeshire – Tony Davison©
Barn Owl – Above three images – Ouse Washes, Norfolk – Tony Davison©
Wild Swans – Ouse Washes area, Norfolk – Tony Davison©