During the past week there have been many reports of Little Auk along the east coast of England. It has been many years since there has been a a so called “wreck” of Little Auk and I haven’t seen one of these enigmatic birds for many years. As these little Auks from the high Arctic were still being discovered, we decided on Saturday 22nd November, to head-off to the north east coast, South Gare, Redcar and Hartlepool, in the hope of finding one. Despite trying, I was out of luck but at Hartlepool we did have some excellent close quarter encounters with a large flock of King Canute’s bird – The Knot. At South Gare a very obliging Purple Sandpiper and Common Gull and along the coast numerous Red-throated Diver, Eider and a large flock of immature Common Scoter and two Long-tailed Duck at Redcar. No year ticks today. Some heavy surf and waves crashing in on the promenade at Hartlepool was pretty spectacular in the late afternoon sunshine.
Common Gull (above two images) – South Gare, Cleveland – Tony Davison©
Roosting Knot (above 4 images) – Hartlepool, Teesside – The less intrepid migrating Knot spend the winter in their thousands along the British coast. Tony Davison©
Knot – King Canute’s favourite bird, so the story goes. – Tony Davison©
Knot – A very obliging flock roosting just beyond the sea wall at Hartlepool during the high tide. Tony Davison©
Purple Sandpiper – South Gare, Cleveland – Tony Davison©
“Wave Goodbye “ – Some stunning waves crashing onto the promenade at Hartlepool during the afternoon – Tony Davison©